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Game Engine - Unity 2022.3.3f1

Project Type - Individual

Timeline - 22/3/20-19/5/20

GitHub Repository


Code Sample

- Enemy Combat Class


Demonski, my inaugural game programming venture, is a 2D platformer created using Unity Engine. Serving as a learning project, it features a robust set of elements, including a settings menu, loading screens, and a dynamic character with jump, crouch, and attack functionalities. The game introduces adversaries with similar attack capabilities, engaging players in scripted dialogues. Set amidst floating islands with dynamic movements, Demonski challenges players to master parkour skills. This project not only marked my introduction to game programming but also highlighted the versatility of Unity Engine in bringing dynamic features to life.

Expanding on the code sample, this was my first attempt at programming a system in which it had to decide wether to attack, and how it should act when doing so. I understand that it lacks comments as does alot of the project but back then I wasn't quite aware of the importance of doing so.

Beyond the player's capabilities, Demonski introduces engaging adversaries with attack mechanisms akin to the player's, creating a challenging environment. The inclusion of scripted dialogue adds depth to the player's interactions with these foes, enriching the gaming experience. The game's setting unfolds across floating islands, each with dynamic movements—some ascending, others descending. Navigating through these islands demands a mastery of parkour skills, adding an exciting layer to the gameplay.

By choosing Unity Engine for Demonski, I continued to leverage its robust capabilities, and this project became a testament to my evolving proficiency in game development. The blend of learning and creative implementation in Demonski underlines the versatile possibilities within the Unity environment and marks a significant milestone in my journey as a game developer.