

Minecraft Spigot Plugin

Project Type - Individual

Timeline - 28/6/20-6/7/20

GitHub Repository


Code Sample

- DeathSwap command Class


DeathSwap is an innovative Minecraft Spigot plugin that transforms the typical gaming dynamics by introducing a unique and challenging concept. In this plugin, two players engage in a timed duel, each given a standard 1-minute timer. The twist lies in the objective: players must strategically position themselves in a way that ensures they die just moments before the timer runs out.

For the code sample, because it's in java and specifically a .java file I cannot display the code itself but if you are able to open it and access it then it will detial you through the commands for beginning the swap and it's timer and then how it takes the information from the world and processes it when the timer runs out.

The strategic element comes into play as players need to plan their demise with precision to trigger a swap between them. The moment one player successfully initiates their attempt to die, a swap occurs, transferring their impending demise to the other player. The challenge lies in finding the right balance between positioning, timing, and execution.

However, the stakes are high – if a player fails to execute their plan before the timer expires or if they die during their attempt, they lose the game. This adds a layer of pressure and urgency, turning DeathSwap into an intense and competitive experience.

By creating DeathSwap as a Minecraft Spigot plugin, the project explores the potential for customizing gameplay within the Minecraft environment. It offers a fresh perspective on player interaction and strategy, breaking away from the traditional Minecraft experience and providing a dynamic and engaging gaming challenge. The plugin not only showcases programming and plugin development skills but also demonstrates a creative approach to enhancing the multiplayer experience in Minecraft.