

Libraries - SFML & SQLite

Project Type - Individual

Timeline - 12/1/23-2/3/23

GitHub Repository


Code Sample

- Line 739-773/UpdateObjectMap Function


BlueBlast, a 2D game developed with the SFML library, served as a foundational project during my first year at university. This basic yet engaging game revolves around maneuvering through a grid, navigating to avoid wires while collecting discs. The core objective is to achieve the lowest time possible, with the option to save and track scores.

The code sample is to how I handled updating the Objects to the screen, as they were also on an array just like the map but placed on top, therefore I put it all into it's own Function and each time the player picks up an item it then updates it to reflect so on the screen

Built using C++ and SFML, BlueBlast provided an excellent introduction to both the language and the library. The project allowed me to grasp the fundamentals of C++ and understand how it operates within the context of game development. SFML's simplicity and efficiency complemented the game's straightforward mechanics, making it an ideal platform for a beginner's exploration into programming and game development.

BlueBlast's focus on optimizing time and recording scores not only made for an entertaining gaming experience but also underscored the importance of precision and strategy. The project laid a solid foundation for my understanding of C++ and SFML, setting the stage for more complex endeavors in the realm of game development.